Saturday, January 2, 2010

I enjoyed My Life...

i can told u bout that...ya..i'm enjoyed my life? so ?
can anyone control my life? one...
if those people that think they like to control people's life, those peoples are ass hole =D

alright,well, i already mention many times..different people have different life style...
they have their own way to living on..but some peoples are jealous..why ?
You already working on society not mean you are mature already or you already success in your carreer.

why we need to work so early ? for what ? we still student...we should concentrate on studies...ya..
many peoples are dream to be rich...alright...once u have rich..what u can do ? buy everything from all over the everything that you want ? satisfy yourself ? ya..i admit can solve all the problem...but not at all...

Once become richer, most of them are farking selfish, even ask them to do some charity also will complain..this is what a rich guy attitude...