Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The world was still hopeful

No doubt...
our world still fills with the conflict between those country...
why ? we are still the same races that are exist in this world..
why we still need to fight with each others?
For what ? Money ? natural resource? reputation ? or the communication has problem ?
why can't sit down well discussed bout that?
because of what?what can we do? nothing....because we are citizen who has no power for that...

our world still hopeful....don't giving up yourself so fast...
once we meets frustrates must understand the crawls...
everything has the way to solve...
even for this moment, u have no ability to solve...
please hold on, just hold on for a moment...
there's no frustrate cannot to be solve....
just think for your own good...your future....
even u are facing frustrates, u need to be patient for that...
everytime, once i faced with those frustrate, i told myself...
just need to be hold on for while, everything will be fine....

at last but no last....hopes the world stop with the conflict...