wao...now several Asian countries have decided to suspend thousands of school...
for wat?
too stem the H1N1 virus outbreaks...
i'm think Malaysia also will closed school to avoid H1N1 virus outbreaks
althought government have already closed the frist primary school...
but now, the cases of the number of infected in Malaysia are increasing...
The Hong Kong government has closed all primary, kindergarten and nursery..
but they will send their course material and homework assingments to their students
through online system..what the heck...
Malaysia government will do that if our school all has been closed?
i think they will send through POS...ahahaha
actually i dont hope that our school will close...
because we have to replace that !!that's horrible ..!!
so...after 2day..i think i will buy mask to wear...
prevent the H1N1 virus ....
I do not isolate by the government